Thursday, January 07, 2010


One sandiwara after another and yet some Homo Sapiens still believe it is true,
This is what we call Fools;
One statement, one word by some Idiots and those Homo Sapiens believe as if is God's words,
This what we call Fools;
One action, one permission, one agreement by the Idiot and those Homo Sapiens believe as if it is God sent Saviour to salvage their species,
This what we call Fools;
One lie over another and this Homo Sapiens still believe it is true even though modern technology has already been part of their life,
This is what we call Fools;
One instance these Homo Sapiens judge the others without checking,
One instance these Homo Sapiens say things without researching,
One instance these Homo Sapiens try to proof a thing without a proof,
One instance these Homo Sapiens will threaten anyone regardless of anything,
This is what we call Fool.

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