Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

Finally I know why this Susan Boyle is now a superstar. She looks like 1 ordinary auntie in the beginning but her life has change ever since she open her mouth & sing.

She stunned everyone in the studio & including me. LoL! Want to get stunn by her singing? Then watch it yourself :D

This is the link.

Enjoy yourself ^^


AkuAyie said...

she sang beautifully =)

Aced 民德 said...

Absolutely. LOL! :D

D'Rimba said...

Adakala perumpamaan yang dibuat barat ini tidaklah sesuai dengan niali Islam itu sendiri kerana Islam amat menitikberatkan luaran dan dalaman, luaran perlu seiring dengan dalaman itulah contoh terpuji Rasulullah gambarkan kepada kita untuk dicontohi Muslim...