Friday, May 08, 2009

10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka

A documentary about our forgotten past & also a documentary about the struggle of the unsung heroes that had fight for the country independence.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Wanderer said...

since u going into law, be a lawmaker someday with a political party dat u support la, i will support u wan if u r in my area.. hahaha...

but make sure u work when i vote for u, if not u can BALIK KAMPUNG!!!

Aced 民德 said...

LoL! Relax dude. I haven't run for office la. Too early to say that. LoL

D'Rimba said...

Kita masih belum merdeka dan masih dijajah segalanya...........

Mr. Fatboy Slim said...

I like current Malaysia politics.. Lots of controversy & conspiracy. Especially the Anwar n Najib stories. Did he really bomb Altatunya n Anwar is he really gay?

The Malaysia parliament on Tv1 also entertaining to watch. With the oppostion attacking the BN. The bickering on each other. Since they have an immunity to say what ever they want, the invited guest says that it seems like a zoo.

So with Najib as PM n his 1 Malaysia campaign. Have u all seen the fruit of the labor? Or it just NATO ( No Action Talk Only)